Introduction to the web development...

Introduction to the web development...

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Hello Everyone, hope you are good and healthy.

This is Ankit here, In today s blog , I will give you a brief explanation about the web developement and the web technology.As you know , in today s modern world , technology is advancing day to day.

Let us talk about the web developement, web development is nothing , but it is all about the developement of the website.Any website, we can see is basically consists of 2 components , the one is Frontend and another is backend.

Frontend is the part that is visible to our eyes ,when we open any website or we can say it is visible to the user. Ex - the template , the animation ,the colours of text , design etc,.The frontend part is basically consists of html ,css and javascript. And the question arises that ,What is html, html is basially hyper text markup language,it is basically a structure or we can say it is a skeleton for any webpage. Css is basically used for designing the webpage,Ex-color of text,heading etc.

Backend is nothing but,it is the part of webpage that is not accessed by the user.User will not able to see the backend part ,when click it to the website. Backend part is basically a logic part of a webpage,Back End web developer should be familiar with the database, Server, API, etc Examples of backend technologies are php,nodejs,mongodb,reactjs etc.